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Access (Online Courses)

Elevate your career trajectory with our premier online course, designed to sharpen your competitive edge. Explore our curated selection of top-tier digital programs to hone your skills and propel your professional journey forward. Experience transformative learning tailored to empower your career advancement in today's dynamic landscape.
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This Course Includes
  • 37 hours 55 minutes
    of self-paced video lessons
  • 29 Programs
    crafting your path to success
  • Completion Certificate
    awarded on course completion

Creating Forms & Queries in Access 2010 for Windows

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
A form provides an interface where you can insert data into multiple fields from multiple tables via a single screen. Discover how to create and customize forms, and create queries in Access 2010.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 70
Compliance Standards: AICC

Creating Forms & Queries in Access 2013 for Windows

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
In Access 2013, forms can simplify the process of data entry and queries allowing you to return information based on specified criteria. Learn about creating and customizing forms, as well as creating queries and calculations.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 88
Compliance Standards: AICC

Creating Forms & Queries in Access 2016 for Windows

Price on Request 1 hour 25 minutes
Forms in Access 2016 are designed to help you visualize records and create new data entries more easily. Discover different ways to create and customize forms, and create and work with queries.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 76
Compliance Standards: AICC

Creating Forms & Queries in Access 2019 for Windows

Price on Request 1 hour 25 minutes
Forms in Access 2019 are designed to help you visualize records and create new data entries more easily. In this 8-video course, "Access 2019: Creating Forms and Queries," learners discover how to create forms quickly using the form wizard tool, add data values, create queries, and perform calculations. Begin by learning how to create a data entry form with the wizard tool, before exploring the use of different form types. Discover how to create a data entry form from scratch, and edit form elements by inserting text in a form. You will then observe how to create a simple query, as well as a crosstab query, which allows you to cross reference data that you have extracted from your Access database. The course continues by demonstrating how to perform a simple calculation, with which, for example, you can apply sum, maximum, and average formulas to analyze the information inserted into a query, and concludes by showing learners how to create a calculated field.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 33
Compliance Standards: AICC

Customizing Forms in Access 2019 for Windows

Price on Request 55 minutes
In this 8-video course, "Access 2019: Customizing Forms," learners explore how to add and customize forms, restructure individual elements, or change the theme to enhance a form's look and feel. Begin by formatting text boxes inserted into a form. Then move on to inserting a list box-list boxes can be used to limit values that can be inserted into forms. Next, observe how to insert checkboxes, which can be used to simplify some of the questions or fields in an Access form. This leads into inserting buttons, used to give users greater control over Access data entry forms. Next, delve into reorganizing a form, making an Access form easier to use by reorganizing different elements and controls that have been created. Then explore editing information in a form, such as title, time, date, or adding images. Discover how to customize the appearance of a form, by, for example, changing the overall theme, selecting a new color, and changing the text font schemes. Conclude the course by observing how to edit a form's properties.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 41
Compliance Standards: AICC

Finding & Organizing Data in Access 2010 for Windows

Price on Request 20 minutes
Organize data for better analysis. Explore sorting and filtering, locating and replacing data values, editing database indexes, and finding duplicates in an Access 2010 database.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 29
Compliance Standards: AICC

Finding & Organizing Data in Access 2013 for Windows

Price on Request 20 minutes
Adjust how you view and analyze your data by learning about the sorting and filtering features in Access 2013. Explore locating and replacing values, editing indexes, and finding duplicates.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 29
Compliance Standards: AICC

Finding & Organizing Data in Access 2016 for Windows

Price on Request 40 minutes
As your tables get larger, it gets harder to locate specific data. Discover how to sort and filter data, edit indexes, search for data, and locate duplicate values and records.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 24
Compliance Standards: AICC

Finding & Organizing Data in Access 2019 for Windows

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
There are multiple ways to find or search for elements and Access allows you to adapt your view on fields by sorting and filtering data values. This 6-video course, "Access 2019: Finding and Organizing Data," allows learners to discover how to sort, filter, find, and replace features available in Access 2019. This process will enable you to save time and locate the information you need most within your Access database values. To begin, you will learn how to sort the data in the data tables, and then filter the data in the data tables. Explore how to search and locate data values, which is useful if you have a large number of records in your data table. Also, you will discover how to replace data values. Creating an index in Access can help find a value or record more quickly, which is particularly useful if a data table contains a large number of records; learners will also observe how to edit database indexes. Conclude with a look at finding duplicate values in a database.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 22
Compliance Standards: AICC

Inserting, Importing & Formatting Data in Access 2019 for Windows

Price on Request 1 hour 40 minutes
In this 8-video course, "Access 2019: Inserting, Importing, and Formatting Data," learners will discover how to enter and import data, change formatting settings, create dropdown menus, enforce data validation, and create labels with data. Begin the course by learning how to insert data into a table, and then explore how to modify the default navigation settings. In Access, you can import data that has been created or edited in a different program, which can save you the time required to manually reenter your data values or records. You will next learn how to use Excel data in a database. This leads into exploring how to import an address book from Outlook. Thereafter, learners will delve into formatting text in their data; creating a dropdown menu; and also creating data validation rules, which can be used to place limits on the information that can be inserted into access data tables. The course concludes by demonstrating how to create labels.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 31
Compliance Standards: AICC

Inserting, Importing, & Formatting Data in Access 2010 for Windows

Price on Request 1 hour 20 minutes
Once you've created fields in Access 2010, you can begin entering and formatting data. Discover how to add and format data, create dropdown menus, configure data validation, use external data, import an address book, and create labels.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 40
Compliance Standards: AICC

Inserting, Importing, & Formatting Data in Access 2013 for Windows

Price on Request 50 minutes
After creating tables and fields, you're ready to add and format your data. Learn how to insert and format table data, create dropdown menus and validation rules, use external data, import address books, and create labels in Access 2013.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 40
Compliance Standards: AICC

Inserting, Importing, & Formatting Data in Access 2016 for Windows

Price on Request 1 hour 50 minutes
There is little value in an empty database table. Learn how to enter and import data, change formatting settings, create dropdown menus, enforce data validation, and create labels with your data.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 35
Compliance Standards: AICC

Report & Analysis Tools in Access 2010 for Windows

Price on Request 40 minutes
A PivotTable can be used to change how data is visualized and help with analyzing database records. Discover how to create and use PivotTables and PivotCharts, and use database reporting and cleanup in Access 2010.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 46
Compliance Standards: AICC

Report & Analysis Tools in Access 2013 for Windows

Price on Request 25 minutes
In Access 2013, a report can be used to present information that has been extracted from a database. Discover how to create a quick, database, and automatic reports. Also, explore methods of cleaning up and analyzing databases.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 32
Compliance Standards: AICC

Saving, Printing & Exporting Databases in Access 2016 for Windows

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
Data is key for any database application, and you'll want to be able to save, protect, and share it. Discover how to save data, protect your database, print database items, export a database, and send tables via email in Access 2016.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 26
Compliance Standards: AICC

Saving, Printing & Exporting Databases in Access 2019 for Windows

Price on Request 30 minutes
In this 6-video course, "Saving, Printing, and Exporting Databases," learners will discover how to save data, print database items, export a database, and send tables via email in Access 2019. To begin, learn how to save your data as a database or object, and then move onto saving regularly and repairing, backing up, and adjusting your database save settings. This leads learners into observing how to protect a database by adding password encryption if it contains confidential or sensitive data. Any object contained in your Access database can be printed, so you will next learn how to print items in your database. Furthermore, learn how to export data that you have compiled in your database to a different program; observe how Access allows you to export data in a variety of different formats including Excel spreadsheets, PDF files, and HTML formatted web pages. You will conclude the course by discovering how to send your database table via email using Access's integrated email function.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 20
Compliance Standards: AICC

Saving, Printing, & Exporting Databases in Access 2013 for Windows

Price on Request 20 minutes
Data is key for any database application, and you'll want to be able to save, protect, and share it. Discover how to save data, protect your database, print database items, export a database, and send tables via email in Access 2013.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 33
Compliance Standards: AICC

Saving, Protecting, & Exporting Databases in Access 2010 for Windows

Price on Request 3 hour 20 minutes
In order to get the most out of Access 2010, you need to understand how to use it. Discover how to save, protect, back up, and export data. Also, learn how to share a table via email.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 27
Compliance Standards: AICC

Tables, Fields & Entries in Access 2019 for Windows

Price on Request 3 hour 15 minutes
To get the most out of Access 2019, one needs to understand the structure and main elements of a database. In this 9-video course, "Access 2019: Tables, Fields, and Entries," learners can explore tables, primary keys, and relationships, and discover how to format and edit both fields and field properties. Begin by learning the structure and key features of your database such as a table, field, value, query, and form. Then learn how to create a table automatically or manually in a database, and organize, filter, and hide database items. Examine how to insert fields into tables, format database fields, and edit database field properties, as each field in an Access data table has a particular format. In Access, you will often find that data values inserted into different tables are related, so discover how to link data in different tables to help visualize the relationship between records spread across multiple tables. Then move on to observing how to manage data relationships, and finally, to learning how to visualize object dependencies.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 33
Compliance Standards: AICC

Tables, Fields, & Entries in Access 2016 for Windows

Price on Request 15 minutes
To get the most out of Access 2016, you need to understand the structure and main elements of a database. Explore tables, primary keys, and relationships, and discover how to format and edit both fields and field properties.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 39
Compliance Standards: AICC

Understanding Tables, Fields, & Entries in Access 2010 for Windows

Price on Request 35 minutes
Within a database, data is stored and organized in tables. Discover how to create and manage tables, insert and edit fields and field properties, link table data, and manage relationships in Access 2010.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 52
Compliance Standards: AICC

Understanding Tables, Fields, & Entries in Access 2013 for Windows

Price on Request 2 hour 5 minutes
Before creating your database in Access 2013, it is a good idea to have an understanding of how it is structured. Learn about working with tables and fields, as well as formatting, editing, data relationships, and object dependencies.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 52
Compliance Standards: AICC

Using the Report & Analysis Tools in Access 2016 for Windows

Price on Request 2 hour 15 minutes
For data to be useful, it must be accurate and presented in a meaningful way. Learn how to use the Access 2016 tools to create and customize reports, and to analyze and clean your data to help ensure data integrity.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 28
Compliance Standards: AICC

Using the Report & Analysis Tools in Access 2019 for Windows

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
To get the most out of a database, you can extract data and analyze data patterns. Reports allow you to extract and view the information you need. You can also get a clear global view of a database by keeping your data clean. Once you have created a database, it is important to know how to analyze and interpret data. In this 5-video Access 2019 course, you will discover how to create reports, as well as how to create custom and automatic reports to extract needed information. Also, learners will observe how to clean up a database and analyze the database itself. Begin by creating a quick report, then learn how to create a database report from scratch. This leads to exploring how to customize a report, for example, formatting text and inserting additional items, modifying the layout or page orientation. Next, explore cleaning up a database; Access Speech is a useful query that can be used to clean up a database file. Conclude the course by observing how to analyze a database.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 20
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Databases in Access 2010 for Windows

Price on Request 2 hour 5 minutes
An Access 2010 database allows you to store data for a variety of different purposes. Discover how to create a database, use and customize the interface, modify default navigation settings, and adjust program settings.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 33
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Databases in Access 2013 for Windows

Price on Request 1 hour 55 minutes
Make the most of Access 2013 by learning the basics of database creation. Explore the interface; learn about default navigation settings; and discover how to customize the interface, Quick Access Toolbar, and ribbon.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 43
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Databases in Access 2016 for Windows

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
Access 2016 is the database application in the Microsoft Office 2016 suite. Discover how to open existing databases and create new ones, and learn how you can customize the interface, including the Quick Access Toolbar and ribbon.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 27
Compliance Standards: AICC

Working with Databases in Access 2019 for Windows

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
A database is an organized collection of data that can be accessed, analyzed, and exported into useful reports. In order to create a database, you will first need to become familiar with the database tool at hand. In this 6-video course, "Working with Databases," you will explore the Access 2019 database application in the Microsoft Office 2019 suite. Learners will also discover how to open existing databases and create new ones, and learn how to customize the interface, including the Quick Access Toolbar and ribbon. Begin the Access 2019 course by observing how to open the application and open a database, and then how to use database templates to create a database quickly. You will then navigate the interface to locate tools available to manage and create a database, and explore how to customize the application's interface and theme. This leads into customizing the Quick Access toolbar. Learners will conclude the course by observing how to customize the tool ribbon.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 25
Compliance Standards: AICC