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Selenium Deep Dive (Online Courses)

Elevate your career trajectory with our premier online course, designed to sharpen your competitive edge. Explore our curated selection of top-tier digital programs to hone your skills and propel your professional journey forward. Experience transformative learning tailored to empower your career advancement in today's dynamic landscape.
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This Course Includes
  • 17 hours 25 minutes
    of self-paced video lessons
  • 15 Programs
    crafting your path to success
  • Completion Certificate
    awarded on course completion

Selenium Deep Dive: Applying BDD & TDD Using Selenium

Price on Request 1 hour 15 minutes
One of the benefits of using Selenium for test automation is to apply software development processes that improve test-driven development and enable domain-driven, object-oriented analysis. One such development process is a type of test-driven development (TDD) framework known as behavior-driven development (BDD). In this course, you'll explore the concepts and benefits of both behavior-driven and test-driven development. You'll learn to install, configure, and integrate Selenium with the behave BDD framework and the platform, Cucumber, to provision BDD and TDD environments and facilitate functional test automation. You'll use these tools to create feature files, write and automate functional tests, manage page objects, and model page object implementation. You'll also learn to interpret data behavior and implement functional test automation of form-based web pages.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 76
Compliance Standards: AICC

Selenium Deep Dive: Automating Browser Windows & Authentication Tests

Price on Request 1 hour 5 minutes
Selenium and AutoIt are used to automate testing of various aspects of browser window operations. In this course, you'll explore key web application technologies and frameworks used to build applications. You'll learn how to write Selenium script tests to handle multiple advertisement windows and handle basic authentication on Firefox. Next, you'll examine how to handle security pop-ups on Google Chrome, install AutoIt, and combine Selenium work with AutoIt to test authentication windows. Finally, you'll learn how to switch between multiple windows while testing, test AutoComplete textboxes, and upload files.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 63
Compliance Standards: AICC

Selenium Deep Dive: Component Testing with Selenium Framework

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
An inline frame is an HTML document that is embedded inside an HTML document and used to insert other content into a web page. Alerts are pop-up windows that appear on screen in response to various user actions. Handling of inline frames, alerts, and pop-up boxes are part of component testing using the Selenium framework. In this course, you'll explore the application architectures and the features of legacy and modern applications that can impact automation of tests. You'll learn how to use the Select, ByValue, and ByVisibleText methods. Next, you'll explore how to work with Selenium WebDriver to manage inline frames. Finally, you'll learn about JavaScript alerts, working with checkboxes, testing confirmation pop-ups, and prompt pop-ups in applications.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 72
Compliance Standards: AICC

Selenium Deep Dive: Database & Log Management in Selenium Testing

Price on Request 1 hour
To become proficient in automated testing using Selenium as your primary software product, you'll need to be able to manage databases and logs. In this course, you'll explore the role of database and log management in functional test automation, the use of EventListener and EventFiringWebDriver, the various log levels that can be used in Selenium Python, and the exceptions that can be raised when automating functional test cases. Next, you'll learn how to use Listeners to track before and after statuses of click events, databases to define and store test data, and Python Imaging Library to crop elements out of web pages. Next, you'll manage nested iframes in Selenium Python and cookies storing session-specific data. Finally, you'll explore the concept of logging and learn to manage logs and prepare audit trails.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 61
Compliance Standards: AICC

Selenium Deep Dive: Integrating TestNG & Selenium

Price on Request 55 minutes
Part of the path to proficiency in automated testing and Selenium usage is to learn how to work with Selenium and TestNG to automate test case creation and execution. In this course, you'll learn to install, configure, and integrate TestNG with Selenium to create multiple test cases. You'll then learn how to use autogenerated XML and reports and create dependencies between test cases using a real-time use case scenario and Selenium WebDriver and TestNG. Next, you'll learn how to implement WebDriver listeners, TestNG listeners, and both Hard and Soft Assertions. Finally, you'll create a TestNG XML file and use it for test automation.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 54
Compliance Standards: AICC

Selenium Deep Dive: Managing Modern Application Components

Price on Request 55 minutes
A fundamental step in becoming proficient in automated testing and an expert Selenium user is to learn how to test different components of modern applications using Selenium, Selenium WebDriver, and various other frameworks. In this course, you'll work with Selenium and Java to read data from properties files and with Selenium WebDriver to take screenshots when tests fail during test automation. You'll test drag and drop functionalities using Web Driver's Action's class and test calendar scenarios using jQuery DatePicker and Kendo UI DatePicker. Next, you'll learn how to handle Selenium WebDriver's "Element is not clickable at point" exception scenarios. Finally, you'll fetch texts from PDF files and use the HTTP client library to find broken or invalid images and links on web pages.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 53
Compliance Standards: AICC

Selenium Deep Dive: Managing Synchronization & Page Navigation

Price on Request 55 minutes
Synchronization involves the coordination of multiple components in order to perform actions in a parallel fashion. In Selenium, synchronization or Wait, is very important to ensure components work together. In this course, you'll explore the concept and implementation of conditional and unconditional synchronization. You'll learn to handle keyboard and mouse events with WebDriver methods and use Explicit wait and Fluent wait classes. Next, you'll examine how to set browser width and height and resize web elements. Finally, you'll learn how to automate scrolling down to the bottom of web pages, scrolling to particular elements of web pages using coordinates, and download files using Selenium WebDriver.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 57
Compliance Standards: AICC

Selenium Deep Dive: Security Test Automation

Price on Request 1 hour
The skills and knowledge needed to become a Selenium expert include using Selenium WebDriver to work with security mechanisms, such as controlling user access, securing user input, and preventing attacks, and recognizing how these mechanisms impact test automation. In this course, you'll explore the security mechanisms implemented in applications and their impact on test automation. You'll learn how to handle security certificates in Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer while automating tests with Selenium. Next, you'll learn how to use Selenium WebDriver to add and delete cookies, execute tests in parallel, and handle stale element exceptions. Finally, you'll illustrate how to call cookies, parse results, and return the values of cookies with specific names using Selenium WebDriver.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 60
Compliance Standards: AICC

Selenium Deep Dive: Setting Up Selenium for Automated Testing

Price on Request 1 hour 10 minutes
Selenium is a great open source tool for automating testing on web browsers and can significantly reduce your testing time and cost. In this course, you'll explore the essential features and key components of Selenium and the key features of the Selenium Automation Framework. You'll also learn about the different types of application testing that can be automated using Selenium. Finally, you'll see how to set up Selenium with PyCharm, Selenium integration with Eclipse, and the use of Unittest to create test scripts in Python and generate HTML test execution reports.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 71
Compliance Standards: AICC

Selenium Deep Dive: Test Enhancement Using BrowserStack

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
There are several tools on the market that work together with Selenium to enhance test automation. One of these tools is the cloud-based testing platform for web and mobile applications, BrowserStack. In this course, you'll explore how to set up and configure test environments using BrowserStack, Selenium, and WebDriver to test URLs, run parallel tests, and automate testing on various combinations of browsers and devices. Next, you'll learn how to manage security certificates, Flash, and pop-ups during test automation. Finally, you'll learn to integrate Selenium with the tools, Lettuce and Behave and use these set ups to run automated tests in cloud environments.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 64
Compliance Standards: AICC

Selenium Deep Dive: Testing Single-page Applications

Price on Request 1 hour 30 minutes
Single-page web applications (SPAs) are increasing in popularity due to the many benefits they offer to developers and end-users. SPAs are made of numerous components that need to be tested to ensure their correct functionality. Practicing these tests using Selenium and various standard frameworks will help in gaining proficiency in automated testing. In this course, you'll examine the benefits and architecture of single-page applications and identify the prominent frameworks that can test their functionality. You'll then learn to automate the testing of core SPA components and functionalities using WebdriverIO, Android Emulator, mobile user agents, JMeter, and Selenium. You'll end this course by outlining the Selenium WebDriver limitations that test engineers should be aware of before test architecture planning.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 91
Compliance Standards: AICC

Selenium Deep Dive: Use Cases for Web App Component Automated Testing

Price on Request 1 hour 25 minutes
There are numerous components of web applications that need to be tested for the correct functionality in various types of scenarios. Practicing how to carry out these tests will help in gaining proficiency in automated testing. In this course, you'll explore the lifecycle of web applications and the common taxonomy involved in managing typical web application functional scenarios. After this, you'll learn how to automate testing on a variety of critical web application components. You'll test forms and fields for various types of value and format requirements, such as currency, year, and mandatory fields. You'll then test web pages for several functionalities, such as those related to authentication, security, and error handling.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 83
Compliance Standards: AICC

Selenium Deep Dive: Working with Selenium Grid & Patterns

Price on Request 1 hour 20 minutes
Designing and implementing an automated test solution can be a time-consuming process. Selenium Grid is a component of Selenium that makes this a lot easier. In this course, you'll explore the key features of Selenium Grid, its architecture, and the differences between the Grid 1 and Grid 2 versions. You'll learn to set up and configure Hub and Node for the Selenium Grid server, execute WebDriver tests in parallel, and troubleshoot errors while invoking browser code. Next, you'll examine how to implement Page Object Model and Pattern and use the Object Repository Mechanism in Page Object Pattern and Page Factory. Finally, you'll learn how to fetch data in Selenium from Excel documents using DataProvider and handle Windows authentication pop-ups.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 82
Compliance Standards: AICC

Selenium Deep Dive: Working with Selenium IDE

Price on Request 55 minutes
If you want to use the Selenium IDE to create, manage, and execute different types of tests, you should be familiar with the features and functionalities of the IDE. In this course, you'll explore the essential features and components of the Selenium IDE. You'll examine Selenese commands, as well as Wait and Element Verification commands, that can be used in th Selenium IDE. Finally, you'll learn how to install and configure the IDE to create, execute, and manage different types of test executions using the record-and-playback functionality and Selenese commands.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 55
Compliance Standards: AICC

Selenium Deep Dive: Working With WebDriver

Price on Request 1 hour 20 minutes
Selenium is a framework for the automated testing of web applications. The interface used to send commands to browsers is called Selenium WebDriver. In this course, you'll learn how to work with the features, elements, and capabilities of the Selenium WebDriver. We'll explore the benefits of using WebDriver as a browser automation framework, essential components, and the architecture of Selenium WebDriver. You'll also learn about different types of locators and see how to work navigation methods, locators, developer tools, XPath, and CSS selectors to identify locator elements. Finally, we'll learn how to use application page elements, web elements of modern applications, fetch attribute values, and generate customized XPath and CSS selectors.
Perks of Course
Certificate: Yes
CPD Points: 78
Compliance Standards: AICC